Canadian Plastics

SPE granted accreditation by UN Environment Assembly

Canadian Plastics   

Recycling Sustainability

The distinction gives SPE members input into UN initiatives to reduce plastic pollution.

Image Credit: Society of Plastics Engineers

The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) has been accredited with the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

According to SPE officials, the distinction establishes it as a primary constituent within UNEA’s scientific and technological community, which is shared by only eighty-seven organizations globally, and just twenty-five within the U.S.

“This accreditation marks a pivotal moment for SPE and its stakeholders,” SPE president Conor Carlin said. “As a science- and engineering-based community, SPE now has an opportunity to influence global environmental policies on plastics based on objective science. This reinforces our commitment to truly sustainable practices within the industry.”


The UNEA accreditation provides SPE with observer status to the Assembly, enabling the society to actively participate in the critical work of both UNEA and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “This involvement places [us] at the forefront of global environmental policy development, specifically addressing the pressing issue of end-of-life management for plastics,” SPE said.

In 2022, UNEP convened an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution, with the mandate of developing an international legally binding instrument to tackle plastic pollution, from production and design to disposal – and as a newly accredited member, SPE is now a fully participating member of this Committee. “This status allows [us] to participate in various regional and public meetings, to submit written contributions to UNEA working documents, and to circulate written statements to governments via the Committee of the Permanent Representatives (CPR),” SPE said.

“While this a significant step for SPE, it is only the first step in a longer journey that includes continued dialog and engagement with a variety of groups in a global assembly,” Carlin said. “We are grateful for the opportunity to offer our expertise and to contribute to the scientific underpinning of future plastic treaties.”

SPE’s accreditation also creates a unique opportunity for those who wish to personally engage in UNEP’s work. Interested parties can:

  • Receive exclusive updates on UNEP’s work through SPE’s official representatives.
  • Have the opportunity to provide science-based input on relevant deliberations.
  • Participate in the crafting of statements to UNEP on behalf of SPE and its members.


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